Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Advice From a Knight...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please view this video, and be prepared for the assessment to follow. (BTW- If you use video in class, or if you'd like to use video in class, you should check this out!)

Please comment on this post and include your thinking in regards to each of the following questions. After you have commented, make sure to reply to a couple of your classmates.

1. Please tell (the condensed version) about a time when a student was legitimately bored to death in your class.

2. In what ways is your school or classroom designed to create good factory workers? In what ways have you broken out of this?

3. What is the most important thing about your students? Clearly, it is not their "date of manufacture." :)

4. How can you (or how do you already) show students that their divergent thinking and creativity are truly valued by you and their community?

5. How do you (or how could you) model and teach true collaboration? Move beyond the much-loved "turn and talk."

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please view this video. Think about how it is applicable to you and your students.

Here are some questions to consider...

1. Is history repeating itself in your classroom right now?
2. Are you awesome?
3. What are you teaching the world? What are your students teaching the world?
4. Is there a student who inspires you? Tell us more.


1. View the video.
2. Post a comment. Answer the questions above.
3. Wait for others to post their comments.
4. Respond to your classmates thinking.

~ Nicolette

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to the Writing the Digital Storm Blog. I am excited to be here with all of you. This class is designed to help integrate technology into the writer's workshop.

Please provide a comment to this post by scrolling to the bottom of this post. Include your name, the grade that you teach, and what you hope to get out of this class. Be sure to click "publish" when you are finished.

Thank you, Nicolette